Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Change number of rows on Windows 8 metro desktop

Do you have Windows 8 installed? Would you like to customize your Computers Desktop? Download this short PowerShell function to modify the amount of rows you Windows Metro Desktop will display.

I've got some good new, some not so good news and some bad news;



If you have Windows 8 this opens up an awesome ability to customize your Metro Desktop.


Not so good:

I have yet to get this to work in Windows 8.1. There is however a possible workaround as in some copies of Windows 8.1 you are able to Charms Bar > Settings > Tiles > Show More Tiles Change to 'Yes'. This option is only found in specific Versions of  Windows 8.1, sadly I have not came to a defiant reasoning to what allows this option



You must sign out of your Windows account and back in for the change to take effect.

Simply copy the below code into an Administrative PowerShell console by right clicking on PowerShell.exe and then left clicking on 'Run as an Administrator.'

Function Set-MetroRows {
   Changes the number of rows on Windows 8 metro desktop 
   Changes the number of rows on Windows 8 metro desktop by modifying the registry
   Set-MetroRows -Rows 3
   After loging out and back into windows you will have 3 rows on your Windows Metro desktop.
   Set-MetroRows -Rows 1
   After loging out and back into windows you will have 1 row on your Windows Metro desktop.
   You must logout\sign out and back into Windows for the registry changes to take effect.
   PowerShell v3.0+
          Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,
                   $VerbosePreference = "Continue" )
Begin{ Remove-ItemProperty "HKCU:\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell\Grid" -Name "Layout_MaximumRowCount" }

Process{ New-ItemProperty "HKCU:\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell\Grid" -Name "Layout_MaximumRowCount" -Value $Rows -PropertyType "DWord" }

End { Write-Verbose "Please Press Enter to sign out of windows, once logged back in the changes will be in place!" ; Pause ; shutdown /l }

} Set-MetroRows -Rows 3
The amount of rows that you can have is determined by your screen resolution.(see chart below)
Screen Resolution (HxV)DefaultMaxMin
800 x 600331
1024 x 768441
1152 x 864551
1280 x 720441
1280 x 900551
1280 x 960561
1280 x 1024561
1440 x 900551
1600 x 900551
1680 x 1050661
1900 x 1080561
1920 x 1080661
1920 x 1200671
2560 x 19206101